Learn More Outside Your Louisiana Insurance CE Course

No matter what industry you get yourself into, education is only half the journey. In reality, you will learn a lot more on the job than you might think. But the thing is, many of us want to avoid making mistakes and learn from them beforehand. Who says you can’t? At Bob Brooks School, we invest in your success. Because we do, we encourage all of our students to educate themselves outside of their courses. But how can you do that? Discover some tips and more information from our professionals before you begin your Louisiana insurance course with us.

Understanding Your Clients

When you’re in the insurance field, there is one big thing to keep in mind—you’re talking to a person. While generalizations can often make your job easier, you need to keep in mind that the person you’re talking to is an individual. Not everybody in Louisiana feels the need to have flood insurance, for example. So, it’s your job to understand why your clients may feel that way, to try to convince them why that type of insurance might be the right choice for them. But it all comes back to understanding your clients.

One way to do this is by listening. One of the first things that turn people off to salesmen is the feeling that they’re talking to a brick wall. You can’t ask them questions and not expect to listen to their answers. So listen with both intent and interest in what the person is saying and how they feel.

The right body language can make or break a sale. So when you’re giving your pitch, make sure that your body language is confident but not overbearing. If you show that you’re giving your full attention and posing with confidence, your client is likely to love talking to you.

And lastly, ask engaging questions. If all of your questions can be easily answered with “no,” your session can quickly go down the drain. But by being engaged and providing questions that need engaging answers, you can get your potential client to converse with you longer. 

Being a Better Employee

At the end of the day no matter what field of insurance you’re in, you work in sales. A big part of your job is to convince potential clients that they need your type of insurance no matter what. And sometimes, some clients need a little bit of persuasion. Of course, you already read up on how to stand, how to talk, and how to listen. But all of those skills and traits will do you no good if you don’t fully understand what you’re selling. Knowing how to talk to people is only half the battle. If you aren’t able to show people exactly what they’re buying, you may end up with unhappy clients down the road. So, it’s imperative that you learn everything you need to know about the insurance you’re selling beforehand. But even if you don’t, remember—clients respect someone who can be honest and say, “I don’t know, but I can find out.”

Ready to Enroll for Your Louisiana Insurance CE Course?

When it comes to your education, you need the best of the best. So if you’re ready to begin your continuing education, sign up today for the right Louisiana insurance CE course. If you have any questions for our professionals before you begin, make sure to get in contact with us online. We’re more than happy to answer any questions you have and to help you find the education you need! 

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