How To Choose Your Insurance Pre-Licensing School In New Orleans
We make so many decisions in our everyday lives. Many of these decisions are easy or routine—such as choosing what to eat, when to sleep, what shirt to buy, etcetera. But choosing where you go for your education is a much bigger decision. How do you make that choice? Do your research and choose a leading insurance pre-licensing school in New Orleans with the professionals at Bob Brooks.
What Works Well With Your Schedule?
You’re a busy person, so finding classes that work with your schedule is difficult to coordinate. And even if they do, you likely have to sacrifice other plans or obligations. You might have to reschedule dinner with your family or carve time out at your current job. Luckily, online classes make getting your insurance education easy. Our online insurance courses are flexible to your schedule. Feel free to log in and out of your course as much as you would like during your subscription period. You’ll always be able to pick back up right where you left off!
Do They Offer What You Need?
There are many types of insurance lines and some schools just don’t offer the classes you need. We offer a variety of insurance pre-licensing courses including the following:
- Property & Casualty: 40 hours
- Life & Health: 40 hours
- Life Only: 20 hours
- Health Only: 20 hours
- Personal Lines: 20 hours
The reason why some of our courses are 40 hours is that they’re combined on the exam! Each topic is 20 hours, but these bundled courses save you time and money. If you’re unsure about choosing Bob Brooks, don’t worry! We offer a free online class to help you decide if this is the right path for you. Simply register for our insurance free lessons and you can “try it before you buy it”!
Double Check That They’re Certified
Rest easy knowing our insurance courses are approved by the Louisiana Department of Insurance. You can feel confident that our courses are relevant, valuable, and will help you reach your education requirements. Without the proper certifications, you could be wasting your time and money. So choose Bob Brooks School!
Choose Our Insurance Pre-Licensing School In New Orleans Today!
You deserve an insurance pre-licensing school that’s going to give you everything you deserve. Our online school is ready to help you get started with insurance pre-licensing. Make sure to keep up with our Facebook and Instagram for more news and upcoming events.
Are you ready to begin this new chapter of your life with Bob Brooks? Register for your insurance pre-licensing courses with us today! Do you have any questions for us? Please feel free to send us a message online or call us at 225.292.7277. We invest in your success, so invest in us to do your best!