Please read below to familiarize yourself with the requirements for taking an On-Live™ Course with Bob Brooks School.
Attendance and participation are required to receive credit for this class. We track these in two ways. The first is through our engagement meter. If we see that your engagement is “red”, we will first contact you via the Q&A module of the class and ask you to close out of any additional tabs/windows you may have opened in the background (i.e., e-mail, volume bar, anti-virus software). Second, we will send you an e-mail. Third and last, we will give you a phone call. We cannot award credit to students whose engagement remains red.
The second way we monitor attendance and participation is through poll questions. The instructor will bring up poll questions periodically throughout the class. Students must answer 100% of the poll questions to receive credit for the class.
If two or more students plan to take the class together (in the same building), each student must log on to the class with their own computer/tablet. Only one certificate per log on will be rewarded.
After the completion of the class, a certificate will be e-mailed to the address provided upon registration. Please allow Bob Brooks School up to one (1) business day to deliver certificates. Only one certificate will be issued in the name under which the student registered. Duplicate certificates can be issued for a fee by contacting our office at 800.448.5693.
Bob Brooks School will report all Louisiana real estate continuing education credit hours to the Louisiana Real Estate Commission on behalf of the students.
- Any attempt to take a course under an assumed identity, may result in sanctions by the Commission.
- Students must register using their full name and real estate license number as it appears on their real estate license.
- Students will be required to show identification prior to the start of class.
- *When using Adobe Connect, this is done by entering your LREC license number. When using Zoom, this is done by being visible on camera. *
- Students must attend 100% of the course. Students that log in late may stay for the course; however, no credit will be awarded. This also applies to students that leave the course prior to its scheduled dismissal. Students are not allowed to make up missed portions of a course. Excessive absence from the course, other than scheduled breaks, will result in loss of continuing education credit.
- Students must have an environment free from background noise and distraction.
- Virtual backgrounds, icons, and pictures are prohibited.
- *This feature pertains only to students using Zoom*
- Students must have the required equipment and technology that meets the minimum system requirements.
- Audio, video, and internet access are required in order to successfully attend the synchronous course. Students must be visible on camera at all times for video course, NO EXCEPTIONS.
- *Adobe Connect is an LREC approved method for CE courses and does not require a camera*
- Students should not log out at any time during the class.
- Students are prohibited from engaging in other activities; including cell phone use, texting, emailing, and work of any kind other than participating in classwork as directed by the instructor.
- Students are prohibited from engaging in behavior that may distract other students such as, but not limited to eating, smoking, vaping, excessive camera movement, driving or riding in a vehicle, and conversations with other people not involved in the class.
- Students are responsible for testing their equipment and technology with the vendor prior to the start of class. Students are responsible for the performance of their own equipment and technology.
- Students are required to actively engage during all sessions and respond to all poll questions and prompts from the instructor or monitor. Failure to answer poll questions and prompts will result in forfeiture of credit.
- Students must maintain a professional demeanor and engage in professional behavior during class.
- Students are prohibited from sharing a computer or room with other students.
- *When using Adobe Connect, you must have your own computer. If you wish to use Zoom in a conference room, you must contact us ahead of time to ensure LREC guidelines are being followed.
- Students are required to sign and return the Student Contract provided by the real estate education vendor prior to attending the synchronous course.
- *When using Adobe Connect, this is done by agreeing to the 1st poll question in the course. *
- Violation of the Student Code of Conduct shall result in denial of course credit.
All material presented in the course is property of Bob Brooks School unless otherwise noted. No part of this site may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from Bob Brooks School.
The contents of this course, in its entirety, is subject to any revisions of local, state and federal laws and regulations. The information in this course is on an “as is” basis, without warranty. The authors of this course and Bob Brooks School, shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to liability, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information, instructions, ideas and principles contained in this course. This publication is not for the purpose of rendering legal or other professional service. The services of a competent professional person should be sought if legal advice or other professional assistance is required.
Each student is entirely liable for activities conducted by themselves or anyone else in connection with the subscription and use of this service. The student must keep his/her password secret and not disclose it to others. Allowing others to use this service, student subscription, or password is strictly prohibited.
Many courses require that the student be 18 years of age and have no criminal history. All students are responsible for contacting the appropriate licensing agency for verification of these qualifications.
Students taking the course under an assumed name is strictly prohibited. The student will be removed from the course with no refund and reported to the appropriate agency.
Students receiving outside assistance is strictly prohibited. The student will be removed from the course with no refund and reported to the appropriate agency.
Bob Brooks School reserves the right to modify course content at any time.
Bob Brooks School reserves the right to terminate the subscription of any student for any reason without penalty to the school.
Students are entitled to a refund if both of the following conditions have been met:
- Bob Brooks School has received an e-mail addressed to admin@bobbrooks.com requesting cancelation of the student’s registration and a refund; AND
- The class has not started or been accessed by the student.
Refunds can only be credited back to the credit card in which the course was purchased. If payment was made by check, a refund check will be issued to the person or entity that made the initial payment.
Students are permitted to change between On-Live classes at no charge any time before the class begins.
In the event a student is unable to attend an On-Live class and wishes to transfer to an online course, a $25.00 administrative fee will be collected.
Bob Brooks School | 225-292-7277 | Admin@BobBrooks.com
Poll Questions
There will be a series of poll questions asked throughout the instructor presentation. These questions will help to make sure your screen is front and center for the full duration of the course. Failure to answer any poll questions may prevent the student from receiving LREC credit.
Engagement Meter
This course uses an engagement meter with a simple red, yellow, green light system. The course monitor will receive a “red” notification if the presentation is not being veiwed on your screen; “yellow” if your screen is being blocked; and, “green” if you are veiwing the presentation correctly. Failure to remain on green may prevent the student from receiving LREC credit.
Q&A Messaging
There will be a Q&A module so that students can communicate with the instructor and/or Bob Brooks School staff. This Q&A module can be used for the student to ask questions about the course or to receive help navigating the course software. Failure to respond to Q&A messages may prevent the student from receiving LREC credit.